28.10.2021 11:04

Overview of the Key Electromagnetic Compatibility Issues in High-Speed Rail Direct-Current Traction Operation

Andrzej Białoń, Ph. D. Eng. and Victor G. Sychenko, Prof., Ph.D. Eng.

The Scientific Publishing House of the Railway Research Institute has published a monograph written by Dr. Andrzej Białoń and Prof. Victor G. Sychenko entitled "Overview of the Key Electromagnetic Compatibility Issues in High-Speed Rail Direct-Current Traction Operation".

The monograph deals with issues of ensuring electromagnetic compatibility of electrified DC traction railway lines when operating high-speed rail rolling stock. The monograph presents general problems of electromagnetic compatibility of DC traction systems, the results of experimental electromagnetic compatibility studies, the construction of electromagnetic interference models in interoperable DC traction systems and rail traffic control devices. Different aspects of regarding electromagnetic compatibility between the electric traction supply system and traction rolling stock on one side and signalling equipment on the other are also shown. The required level of electromagnetic compatibility of DC traction supply equipment and traction vehicles with other equipment should be achieved by the use of the necessary and technically possible means. These measures should be based on a reasonable selection of the configuration of the cooperating systems and infrastructure parameters.