27.11.2018 09:55

Debate on Mobility Challenges for Future Society

On 15th and 16th November 2018, a conference, called the “Global Debate on Mobility Challenges for the Future Society”, organized by the International Union of Railways (UIC) and Instytut Kolejnictwa (Railway Research Institute) was held in Warsaw. The aim of the debate was to exchange views on future transport and the role of railways in intermodal transport system.

Then discussions was carried out in five thematic sessions:

  1. New mobility system concepts
  2. Towards an integrated transport system
  3. IT – new opportunities and threats
  4. Competitiveness of transport stakeholders
  5. Sustainability and resilience of the transport system

The conclusions from this Global Debate will constitute a crucial input to the update of the Global Vision for Railway Development document, which will be presented at the UIC Assembly General in 2019.